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About Us

Dato’ Jovian Mandagie is the CEO and the founder of HEYHO Sdn Bhd. HEYHO is the first ever food app in the market that offers home-cooked meals prepared by local home chefs. The platform was built to help home based chefs to operate their business better. Dato’ Jovian has been an exceptional talent and a well-recognised figure in the fashion industry for many years and now his business has become one of the most established Fashion Retail businesses in the country. Before founding HEYHO, he was and still is expanding in the fashion industry which now even caters to the production of high quality face masks that have become a necessity during this past year(s). He has been hands on with the process of the ideation to launching and current expansion of HEYHO.

Our Mission

HEYHO brings deliciously Home Cooked meals to you.
Deliver with Quality for Satisfaction.

Our Vision

Our vision is to assist Home Cooks to generate income from their
doorsteps to improve both personal and national economy.

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